Prov. 4:23 - Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do. NLT
Everyday we should be working on keeping our hearts pure because the end result of keeping your heart pure is you will be able to SEE GOD. I would like you to close your eyes and picture what you think God might look like. Then realize your view of Him falls way short. He is much greater than what we can even think, believe or comprehend. God is so far beyond descriptive words it isn't even funny and all we have to do to see Him is keep our hearts PURE.
So let me ask you where is your heart? What and where do you spend your most time and money? When you answer those two questions you will have a pretty good idea where your heart is.
So what does your speech sound like? Jesus said you can tell what is in a person's heart by the way they speak. What does your speech convict you of today? I can tell you before I became a Christian my mouth was used to pour out profanities. If it were a cuss word I have most likely said it and some times I even learned profanity in foreign languages. If you use profanity I can tell you this: you haven't been guarding your heart. You have left your heart unguarded and the evil one has sent one of his spirits to sow the seeds of evil and because you were not guarding your heart the entrance in was most likely fairly simple. You should be alert that the evil one is trying to take over your heart.
WITH THEIR EARS THEY SCARCELY HEAR, AND THEY HAVE CLOSED THEIR EYES, OTHERWISE THEY WOULD SEE WITH THEIR EYES, HEAR WITH THEIR EARS, AND UNDERSTAND WITH THEIR HEART AND RETURN, AND I WOULD HEAL THEM.' This is an Old Testament quote (Isa.29:13) and the way we know that is it is written in all capital letters. There is a warning for us to pay attention to and that is if you don't guard your heart it can become DULL of hearing. In other words, you will not listen to the words of eternal life. You won't listen to God's Word and this all happened because you were too busy to guard your heart from the evil one. Please read this passage of scripture Mt 13:18-19 - Hear then the parable of the sower. "When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart …" It is my prayer for all my readers today that you guard your hearts. Please don't let it become DULL of hearing God's Word and by all means don't let the evil one snatch away what has been sown in your heart. Give the Word of God a chance to grow in your heart. The best way to do that is continue to read God's Word and fellowship with God's people. Think About This: If God is kept outside, something must be wrong inside. Stay Pumped, Gary A. Serago Minister of God’s Word
Genesis 37:23-24, 28 - So it came about, when Joseph reached his brothers, that they stripped Joseph of his tunic, the varicolored tunic that was on him; and they took him and threw him into the pit…. Then some Midianite traders passed by, so they pulled him up and lifted Joseph out of the pit, and sold him to the Ishmaelites for twenty shekels of silver. NASU
In our text today Joseph is about to learn a very important lesson and that is "Life Isn't Fair." He was his father's favorite son, but that wasn't his fault. The fault rested on the shoulders of his father, Jacob, not on Joseph. God causes Joseph to have a dream where his father, mother, and brothers would one day bow down to him and the hatred from the brothers intensifies. Jacob gives Joseph a special colorful tunic to show his favoritism and Joseph is going to pay the price for all of these special blessings being bestowed upon him.
If only I had learned the lesson "life isn't fair" as an adolescent I really believe some of my troublesome times may have been avoided. I can vividly remember saying, "But that isn't fair." At that moment, I wish someone would have made me sit in a chair and looked me straight in the eyes and said, "You are correct life isn't fair so quick expecting it to be fair. The sooner you learn this lesson the better off you will be in handling life."
I am of the opinion if you have children or grandchildren you should do them a favor and read this passage of scripture to them and inform them there is a very valuable lesson to be learned in life and that lesson is "Life isn't fair" so do yourself a favor and learn it quickly. I informed my children about life being unfair this way, the first lesson you want to learn about life: It Isn't Fair. I also said it this way: Life 101 - It Isn't Fair.
In Genesis 39 is the story of Potiphar's wife trying to seduce Joseph. He wants no part of this situation and when he runs away from her she lies to her husband and says Joseph tried to rape her but she screamed and he ran away. Joseph once again learns life isn't fair because Potiphar a very influential man in Egypt has Joseph incarcerated. There are so many unfair situations in life and I am certainly not going to try and list them. You will know them when you see them. My advice is to remember what Joseph says to his brothers at the end of Genesis 50:19-20 - But Joseph said to them, "Do not be afraid, for am I in God's place? "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive." There are people in life who will do things to you because they want to hurt you. They mean evil against you as Joseph's brothers did against him. You will also want to remember God can use the injustices of life to work to your benefit as He did with Joseph. Think About This: The college of hard knocks is the only one that doesn't let the student drop out when the course gets tough. Stay Pumped, Gary A. Serago Minister of God's Word Prov. 15:31-32 - He whose ear listens to the life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise. He who neglects discipline despises himself, but he who listens to reproof acquires understanding. NASB
Ears That Listen If you are one that is able to listen to someone else giving you correct advice you will be successful. If your ears are able to listen to the life-giving reproof from others you will prosper. The item we need are ears that will listen to others when they share correct information with us. How Many Times Have We Said, "If Only I Would Have Listened." As I sit here and write this Pump Up I am smiling, but when I was going through life looking back on another mistake I made because I would not listen I wasn't laughing. I wasn't even smiling. I was asking myself, "Why didn't you listen?" The answer is right there in Proverbs because I didn't have ears that would listen. I thought I knew what was best. The one thing I find amazing is the times I didn't listen and I was correct I can't remember those situations as easily as I remember the ones where I didn't listen and was wrong. Reminds Me Of The "How To Be Successful Story" A young college student was sitting in the 5,000 member congregation. He was going to graduate from the local seminary this year. He asked the preacher after service if he could meet with him for 5 minutes. The preacher told him to stop by the office tomorrow morning at 9 am. The young man was there promptly. As he sat in the preacher's office he explained that he would be graduating in the spring and wanted to have a successful ministry like his and was there any advice he could give him. The preacher told him why sure. "I can tell you how to have a successful ministry in three words." The young student said, "Are you kidding me?" The preacher said, "Not at all. Are you ready to write them down?" "Yes." he replied. "Make Right Decisions." the preacher said. As the young student wrote down those three words he asked, "How will I know if I'm making right decisions?" "I can answer your question with one word. Experience!" said the preacher. With a pondered look on his face he asked, "And how do I get this experience?" With a big smile on the preacher's face he said, "By Making Wrong Decisions." There my friends is how to be successful. You will make decisions in life and not all of them are going to be the right ones. You just have to learn from your mistakes. Make the necessary adjustments, make another decision and continue to move forward. The Choice Is Yours You can either listen to others and be successful as Proverbs states or don't listen to others and learn from your own mistakes. Hopefully, your mistakes will not be too costly and you will be able to rebound and move forward becoming successful. The choice really is yours. Think On These: The biggest fool of all is the one who refuses to learn from his mistakes. Making mistakes isn't stupid, disregarding them is. A mistake is proof that someone was at least trying to accomplish something. Stay Pumped, Gary A. Serago Minister of God's Word Prov.15:1 - "A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger."
He informed me, "We are never going to have a fight. We are in love." I said, "What?" He said it again, "We are never ever going to have a fight. We are in love." How foolish of me not to know that. You can only imagine what was running through my mind. Well, I didn't push on this issue and let it drop. I am sure they probably talked about me when they got into their car to leave. I can hear them saying, "Wow, the preacher really doesn't know what he is talking about if he thinks we are going to ever have a fight." Well, I did see them again. The first time in my office their chairs were right next to each other, they were holding hands and looking into each other's eyes. This time their chairs were apart, they were not holding hands and they would not even look at each other.
I commended them for calling and making an appointment to come in and at least get some counseling. We were able to work together this time, as they now were ready to listen. Words of truth will not do you any good if you will not listen to them. When disagreeing with someone listen to these words - "A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger."
How many times have we said something that was true and all it did was exacerbate the situation?
She said this is what he says, "He quotes their anniversary date and then says, I love you and would do it again." Now she doesn’t want him to say that because she wants to continue the fight because in her mind she hasn't won the argument, but when he says this she thinks no matter what I say I can't win now, so she drops it.
Remember the words of Solomon - "A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger." You might want to remember if you say the hurtful things it is like throwing gasoline on a fire. Are you ready to pay the price for the explosion and damage that will be caused by this behavior? You say the hurtful things and they will not go away no matter how many times you say you are sorry. So do yourself a favor and don't say them. Speak the gentle answers that bring the arguments to an end without hurting anyone. Think About This: In an argument, the best weapon to hold is your tongue unless it is going to give the gentle answers. When a person uses profanity to support an argument, it indicates that either the person or the argument is weak and probably both. Stay Pumped, Gary A. Serago Minister of God's Word Prov. 23:9 - Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, for he will despise the wisdom of your words. NASU
Why? There mind is made up by what they believe. They believe they are correct in spite of the truth or reports contrary to what they believe. This type of person is called a "fool" in the Bible. I had a professor in college who would tell us men you are going to meet a lot of people in the world who you will not be able to convince with the truth, the Word of God. Why? They are traveling around with this motto: "Don't Confuse Me With The Facts, My Mind Is Made Up." In other words, no matter what you say to them they are not going to change their mind. We sometimes call this type of person "stubborn" but God calls them "fools".
I can not begin to tell you how much more money would be in my bank account if I had only listened to my parents. I simply and incorrectly thought I was smarter than others and would not get caught like others. I was a "fool" for many years.
This one passage of scripture has helped me more times than I can count: Prov. 15:22 - "Without consultation, plans are frustrated, But with many counselors they succeed." Did that nugget of gold grab you like it did me? Here is my interpretation of that passage of scripture: "Without Consultation" or in other words without talking your plans over with others your plans are going to experience frustration, BUT with many counselors or many consultants your plans will succeed.
Let me give you an example: If you wanted to know something about learning how to wrestle (for yourself, your son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter) my advice, find a coach who knows about wrestling. Every year successful coaches offer wrestling camps and I would enroll my child in one of these camps near you. Just Google any one of these names and you will find out about their camps. Some top wrestling camps in the US (Cary Kolat, Tom or Terry Brands, Pat Santoro, Tom Ryan, Sean Bormet and these are just a few) Remember don't lose the key: finding someone you trust. Think On These: The only thing more expensive than education is ignorance. A wise man learns from the experience of others. An ordinary man learns from his own experiences. A fool learns from nobody's experiences. Stay Pumped, Gary A. Serago Minister of God's Word |
November 2024
AuthorGary A Serago. Categories