Psalm 35:9 - And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD;
It shall rejoice in His salvation. NKJV
I have no less than eight times looked at MapQuest to go over my planned trip route. I have been lost before and the uneasy feeling you get is not for me. I like knowing where I am and where I am going. The Psalmist knows where he is. He is in the LORD and because of this fact, he is JOYFUL. He is one who possesses salvation because of what the LORD has done for him. Please remember, the Psalmist, at this time didn't know the feeling of having his sins forgiven by the blood of Jesus.
Look at what the apostle Paul says in the book of Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Christians should be constantly rejoicing in this world. Why? We have salvation IN Jesus Christ our LORD. I may get lost driving and make a wrong turn but spiritually I am on the road that leads to eternal life. I am on the straight and narrow as Jesus called it. Should we be Joyful? I would say we have the greatest reason in the world to have a smile on our faces. The Goins Brothers are a Bluegrass band that I have known for over 40 years and I remember hearing them singing the song below. I hope it will put a smile on your face today. TREASURES MONEY CAN'T BUYby: Dee Gaskin 1. While driving one day through the quiet countryside An old man was walking, so I offered a ride. His face was all wrinkled, his hair turned to gray And these are the words that he had to say: 2. I may look like a beggar but I'm rich as a king What I have in my heart gives me reason to sing I'm a joint heir with Jesus so why should I sigh. For these are the treasures that money can't buy. CHORUS: Money is worthless when a soul is at stake If gold bought redemption, how much would it take? But He loved me and saved me and I can't explain why. These are the treasures, these are the treasures that money can't buy. 3. So if you look at my garments and you notice they're torn, Well, I've a new royal garment that's never been worn. And the cabin I live in is home till I die. But I've a mansion in glory that money can't buy. CHORUS: Tag: Yes, He loved me and saved me and I can't explain why, And these are the treasures, These are the treasures that money can't buy. Think About This: If you don't enjoy what you have, how could you be happier with more? He who forgets the language of gratitude can never be on speaking terms with happiness. Stay Pumped, Gary A. Serago Minister of God's Word
Cynthia A Austin
10/14/2019 06:26:20 am
Good morning my friend, yes I am so joyful and a lot of that joy comes from you sharing your love and gift for teaching... You taught me about Jesus and I obeyed! It has and continues to be the best plan/journey. Fight on fighter! (Great song for king and country). I always loved the bands that came and sang and worshipped with us. Music! Such a joyful thing. Have a wonderful day! Your sister in Christ, Cynthia
10/14/2019 08:55:49 am
Good morning! I hope all is going well with you. I’m rejoicing in hearing you are still walking with the Lord. Thanks for keeping me updated. I’m glad the Lord sent me to MD to share the gospel with so many great people. When I think of my time there a lot of great memories come to my mind. Your friendship will always be one of them.
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November 2024
AuthorGary A Serago. Categories