Prov. 24:17-18 - "Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, And do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; Or the LORD will see it and be displeased, And turn His anger away from him."
When You Just Want To Scream "Yeah" If you are a leader or successful in any area of life you made enemies along the way. Some times in life you didn't do anything. There are some people in life that will be your enemy and have flimsy excuses for a reason why they are against you. One of the hardest things in life we will ever accomplish is not rejoicing when our enemy falls. When we want to scream "Yeah" the LORD says, don't do it. You Have A Visual Of That Person When you read the scripture above a visual of that person came to your mind. When they fell you may have not known about this scripture and you did rejoice. When they fell you may have said to yourself, "Good, they got what they deserved." You were glad they were receiving some type of punishment. How Are We Supposed To Respond? We are not to be glad or happy. We are not to be jumping up and down with joy. You may be thinking, "Serago, you have got to be kidding me. You don't know what was said about me or did to me". You would be correct, but God knows and that is why he/she has fallen. God is dealing out the correct judgment, at the correct time, and He doesn't need us gloating about it. Well, I guess you're right this is very hard. So How Am I To Behave In This Situation? You are to realize that God is in control and that He is watching over you. He will judge those who mistreat us. He is the judge and we aren't. Let Him do what He is supposed to do. Also, it might help to remember what happened to Joseph in the book of Genesis. His brothers sold him into slavery and then lied to their father about what had happened to him. I am always amazed at Joseph's faith when he makes this statement to them in Gen. 50:20 - "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive." NASU Your enemies may be just like Joseph's brothers. What they have said about you and done to you may have been done with evil intent, but that doesn't mean that God can't use it for good. He did in Joseph's situation and may be doing the same in yours. Give God time to work like Joseph did. Joseph had to wait for 13 years while God was working His plan. What Took God So Long Before He Acted? It is my opinion He was giving the brothers time to repent which they never did and God could be giving your enemies time to repent and avoid being punished which they may never do. When the ones don't repent within God's time schedule judgment will be passed down upon them. God's judgment will always be just and always on time. The penalty will always fit the crime. Think About These: We always want judgment to come upon our enemies immediately, and we want our judgment to be delayed as long as possible. You can judge a man by his enemies as well as by his friends. Stay Pumped, Gary A. Serago Minister of God's Word
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November 2024
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