Acts 1:6 -7 - So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, "Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?" 7 He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority;… NASU
· We Really Do Not Need To Know The "Future". I am pretty certain that we have all wanted to know the future at some point in time during our lives. When I was born no one could tell what gender a child was going to be when born. You had to wait and see. I know there were a lot of old wive's tales that went around how you could know the sex of your child before birth but they were just that. In our world today they can tell you if a child is going to be a boy or a girl with some degree of accuracy. Yes, I know it isn't 100% and some times they are incorrect. We almost receive some type of satisfaction when they are wrong. It is like in your face, see you and all your modern technology are not so smart after all. · Why Has This Happened? In life a lot of events happen to us and we would like to know about it before they happen. Why didn't I get that job, or promotion? Why did my mom or dad have to die when I was so young? Why did my child have to die? Why did my parents divorce? Why didn't I win that game? Why did we have to move? Why did my neighbor win the lottery and not me? The list can go on forever. I likewise have got caught in the trap of asking the question "Why this had to happen to me?" The problem with asking the "Why" question is you may never know the truth? You might also believe something about why it has happened and be totally incorrect. · The Better Question To Ask Until one day I found a better question to ask. It is the question "What?". Instead of asking "Why?" try asking yourself the question "What?". What can I learn from this event? What can I now do to make this a positive situation? When you ask the "What" question I believe a lot more positives will come from this type of questioning. When you arrive at positive answers to the "What' questions and start to act upon them your life changes for the better. People have experienced tragedies in their lives only to turn these into positives because they asked themselves the "What" question. What have I learned from this situation? What can I do to insure it doesn't happen again? What can I share with others to help them if something like this happens to them. · Jesus Told The Disciples As you continue to read the above text verse 8 Jesus informs the apostles to prepare themselves to focus on what they are going to do next and that is be His witnesses. Jesus doesn't want them to be concerned about the future of what God is going to do, but rather be prepared for what they are going to do. Jesus had basically told the disciples not to worry about the future because God has that in control. What He wants them to do is focus on their next mission. I would say that Jesus' command is applicable for us today. We are not to be concerned about the future. We are to be concerned about what we are going to do when the future arrives. So my Pump Up for us today is this: don't worry about the future, God is in control. What you need to do is prepare yourself for your next mission. Think on These: Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow; it only saps today of its strength. True patience means waiting without worrying. Stay Pumped, Gary A. Serago Minister of God's Word
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November 2024
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