James 4:6 - Therefore it says, "GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE ." NASU James 4:10 - Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you. NASU
The first benefit is a correct understanding of God. You will notice God is opposed to the proud and being proud is the opposite of being humble. A person who thinks he or she is better than someone else according to the Bible is said to be a "proud person". If you think you are better than someone else you are going to be opposed by God. In other words, you will be having a head-on collision with God and you will not like the outcome. I highly recommend you change your plan from being proud to be humble. If you don’t make the change God will oppose you. We all know that will not be beneficial to the one who God opposes. The second benefit is God's "Grace" is given to you. Now that is a great reason to be humble. By being humble we will be the recipients of God's Grace. What better reason would one need for being "humble"? Humility will put us in direct contact with God's Grace. What an amazing blessing. I have had numerous people ask me the difference between Grace and Mercy. Let me share this with you and hopefully, it will be helpful in answering the question of the difference between Grace and Mercy. Grace is receiving kindness or favor from someone and you didn't do anything to deserve this kindness or favor. Mercy is receiving help from someone because of their love or goodwill when you should have received punishment. The third benefit of being humble is being "Exalted" by God. In a previous verse, James was talking about mourning and in the first century, it was common for the mourners to prostrate themselves during times of grief. James is informing us that if we are humble and when we go through times of grief and this grief drives us to our knees there is good news and the good news is God will "exalt" the humble person. God will be there to help lift you from your despair. I hope you were able to see the benefits of humility far outweigh being puffed up with pride. Think About These: Tempers some times get people in trouble, but pride will keep them there. The best kind of pride is that which compels a person to do their best - even when no one is looking. Stay Pumped, Gary A. Serago Minister of God's Word
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November 2024
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